Quick March

Quick March

Quick March




(1) Enter the Appropriate Word or Phrase in the box below

(2) Select the Relevant Search Source

(3) And press "Go!"

(4) Results appear in the New Window or Tab




• To make a general web search about something, write it in the search box and select GOOGLE, BING, or YAHOO!, as desired.

• To find the meaning of a word, write that word in the search box and select DICTIONARY.COM or Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

• To find words related to an English word, write that word in the search box and select ENGLISH WORDS THESAURUS.

• To get the map of a particular city/location, write the name of that city/location in the search box and select MapQuest or GOOGLE MAPS.

• To find information about a film, a filmmaker, a film director, an actor, an actress, or a musician, such as a singer or a composer, write the name in the search box and select FILMS Movies Database.

• To find a reference about something, write it in the search box and select a suitable source such as Answers.Com, Ask.Com, WIKIPEDIA, REFERENCE.COM, or Encyclopedia Britannica.

• To get information on any university in the world, write the name of the relevant Country (such as India, United States, or United Kingdom) in the search box and select WORLD HIGHER EDUCATION DATABASE. A list of relevant universities will appear from which you can choose the one you want.

• To find an article on the working of some gadget or machine related to Adventure, Animals, Auto, Culture, Entertainment, Health, Home, Garden, Money, Science, or Technology, write its name in the search box and select HOW STUFF WORKS! HowStuffWorks explains how things work to curious minds.

• To find the meaning of an abbreviation or an acronym, write it in the search box and select ABBREVIATION & ACRONYM FINDER.





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Quick March, Global Giants, Citi Times